The Call Center Administrator tab allows supervisors to customize the settings of each queue they are responsible for. They can set shift times and monitor the statistics of their agents for each queue. Furthermore, supervisors can tailor the type of statistics displayed to the agents.
To log in to a queue:
1. Select the Call Center icon from the left menu.
2. Select the desired queue. This will unlock the remainder of the page.
3. Select the settings button. In version 2.7.7, the settings now overlay and cover a portion of the screen.
To set your shift time:
1. Select the start time and end time of the shift.
2. Select the "Update" button.

To change the statistics range for yourself and the agents in the queue:
1. Select the statistics range for yourself (Shift, Real Time, 10 Hours, 24 Hours, 7 Days, 30 Days)
2. Select the statistics range for agents (Shift, Real Time, 10 Hours, 24 Hours, 7 Days, 30 Days)

To send an announcement to the agents in the queue:
1. Enter your desired announcement.
2. Select the "Update" button. The message will appear under the "Close Settings" button.

To customize the statistics the agents in the queue can view:
1. Hover over the statistic card you would like to be hidden.
2. A toggle button will appear in the top right of the statistic card.
3. Toggle the button off to hide the statistic for all agents in the queue. If successful, the hidden icon will appear in the background of the statistic card.